I am going to assume that the purpose of this reading is going to be an analysis of the diagrams, stats, and data presented in the various Feltron Reports. My first impression of viewing any one of the reports (I quickly went through a few) was that I had no idea what it was talking […]
Archives for October, 2012
Google Map Overlay Practicum
My first attempt was to show the troop positions of the 1st Battle of Manassas. However, this did not work very well. It seems that “drawn” maps simply aren’t as accurate as satellite maps. For example, I could not get Haymarket right and Centreville/Manassas. However, I had an idea. Perhaps a map that required such […]
Digital History in Practice
People have debated for decades the precise role of slavery in precipitating that war. Some emphasize fundamental, irreconcilable conflict between societies based on forced labor and contract labor. Others emphasize instead contingent events in the political realm. Those who stress intrinsic conflict have often built their arguments around the general concept of modernization, with the […]
my map and chart
Here’s a map of some of the important places in my life! https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=216390007299140647188.0004cc38954de931fadbe&ms=0 //chart.googleapis.com/chart?chxr=0,0,12000&chxt=y,x&chbh=a&chs=300×225&cht=bvg&chco=34560F&chds=0,12256.667&chd=t:10000,8500,4000,7500,10000&chtt=Vertical+bar+chart