Michael's Blog of the Digital Past

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Michael's Blog of the Digital Past


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Google Map Overlay Practicum

My first attempt was to show the troop positions of the 1st Battle of Manassas. However, this did not work very well. It seems that “drawn” maps simply aren’t as accurate as satellite maps. For example, I could not get Haymarket right and Centreville/Manassas. However, I had an idea. Perhaps a map that required such […]

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Digital History in Practice

People have debated for decades the precise role of slavery in precipitating that war. Some emphasize fundamental, irreconcilable conflict between societies based on forced labor and contract labor. Others emphasize instead contingent events in the political realm. Those who stress intrinsic conflict have often built their arguments around the general concept of modernization, with the […]

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View Important Places In My Life in a larger map

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my map and chart

Here’s a map of some of the important places in my life! https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=216390007299140647188.0004cc38954de931fadbe&ms=0 //chart.googleapis.com/chart?chxr=0,0,12000&chxt=y,x&chbh=a&chs=300×225&cht=bvg&chco=34560F&chds=0,12256.667&chd=t:10000,8500,4000,7500,10000&chtt=Vertical+bar+chart

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Computer Security (Or why I never want to use the internet again)

The ancient art of password cracking has advanced further in the past five years than it did in the previous several decades combined. At the same time, the dangerous practice of password reuse has surged. The result: security provided by the average password in 2012 has never been weaker. Has the art of password cracking […]

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Determining the Fairness of TV NEWS

the first thing to understand when dealing with any matter of copy right laws is to understand the laws themselves. The first half of this video has a basic explanation of copy right law and fair use. As for fair use, portions of copyrighted material can be used for Criticism, comment, news reporting Teaching (including […]

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Copyright Ambiguity

After reading the two articles and seeing some of the videos, I have to say that copyright law is overly ambiguous. Does something fall under teh fair use doctrine? How much is too much? When should you ask for permission? Then there’s the fact that if you do ask for permission, many sources and people […]

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Evaluating websites

This website does a good job explaining how to adequately evaluate a website for authority and accuracy. However, it makes a few flaws. For one, going by solely a domain name can be disastrous. For example, I have had teachers in the past say, “Don’t use .com websites because these are controlled by commercial interests.” […]

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Selling the News

In reference to how Urlich Keller believes that the OFF photo was taken first and the ON photo second, he says, “The other way around, I don’t know why anyone would do that. I don’t think it’s likely.” But this doesn’t make sense to me. Wouldn’t it make sense to take the balls off the […]

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Scavenger Hunt!

For the public school teacher’s labor dispute, I assumed it would be pretty easy to find information on it. I went to proquest historical newspapers, clicked on the New York Times, and searched “public school teachers labor dispute.” Immediately I was greeted by a host of articles that I feel would meet the requirement of […]

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